The Death of Prince Armand

Celestial whispers, far o’er the moon
in shadow and song Armand there lies.
A prince, silver garments shining a tune
traveled early afore the Matkej’s eyes.

From fields colored strong to woods-dappled light
rode the prince on a mount of mane black-bold.
‘Til he came to the lowlands and their deceitful night,
with water-tipped traps mazing serpentine cold.

Though given a warning, the prince did not heed,
and rested himself by trees dry blood-red.
He drank of black water, not knowing his deed
doomed his soul to an unquenchable need it be fed.

No deep pool enough to end the enchantment;
gold locks amuss, the prince cried for satiety
for naught, words coming to ears who only lent
lone chuckles of spirits, eyes clear with insanity.

Desperation unending, white-faced Armand ran,
uncovering more of the spell-laced abyss.
When finally, as the moon perched upon silver land,
his feet traced a circle ‘round the purple furliss.

Patkej was too late for doomed prince young and weak,
though his actions were guided to destroy all
evil magic, for where feet had touched feafu and meek
Protector had furliss change land sprites did enthrall.

Patket shone pure silver on the path Armand did trace,
filling basin with clear waters meaning no harm and
banishing bones from all land pure liquid did grace.
For the prince who was dead, the lake was decreed Armand.

Celestial whispers, far o’er the moon,
in shadow and song Armand there lies.
Buried fore’er in water, garments shining a tune,
watched carefully by Patkej’s wise ancient eyes.

"The Death of Prince Armand" is copyright © K. B. Cunningham 2004

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