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South Kandel

South Kandel is part of the Kandelian Empire and comprises the part of the empire south of the River Callain. It is culturally and societally very similar to North Kandel, but while the latter basks in the glow of being wealthy and influential, people in South Kandel find life a little harder. Until 935, South Kandel was an independent nation called Catah, and it matched Kandel (the northern half of the current nation) in both wealth and military might. Enmity between the two began with the first king of Kandel (Ttarren) and the first queen of Catah (Frisen). The two nations fought to a stand-off over hundreds of years, long after Ttarren and Frisen were dead. The downfall of Catah began in the early 900's, when divisions among the current queen's High Council grew wide. At the same time the Arkijti king, Zurrup, agreed to help Kandel defeat Catah if given access to the Bay of Kalenjeiy, a prize Arkijt had fought Kandel for and lost numerous times.

In 914, the queen of Catah died suddenly, her only heir her ten-year-old niece. Before the girl was crowned, Kandel and Arkijt struck. Catah, caught completely off-guard and with no leadership, did manage to mount an impressive defense, but it wasn't enough. Catah's capital city, Krien, fell in 925. Zurrup, however, double-crossed Kandel and took Catah as part of the Arkijti Empire. Thus Catah was under Arkijti rule until 931, when Arkijt, beset on all sides by war, relinquished its hold on the territory. Catah's continued existence remained in question until Kandel won the war against Arkijt. The Kandelian queen took Catah, declaring the Empire of Kandel and herself Empress.

South Kandel is a poorer land than North Kandel, and is a mix of three separate cultures. The original inhabitants were Catans and Latwani, which were part Catan, part Leembwa. Also, after its entry into the Kandelian Empire, South Kandel became a popular place for Kandelian settlers. There is almost constant friction among these groups, and South Kandel suffers from economic hardship not seen in the north.














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